Thursday, February 3, 2011

Why Halachah101 is wrong

Halachah101 was asked to answer the follofwong question: why do good things happen to bad people and bad things to good people? Halachah101 then invalidly answered that this was to give bad people self confidence and good people humility. 1st of all there is only one right answer and that is that we cannot understand why this happens becasue as G-d told Moses, even he would not be able to understand, there are just some things humans can't comprehend because we aren't God. 2nd the attempted answer was aweful, firstly the reason why poeple do bad things is because they have no self esteem and secondly if good poeple got the punishment when the bad did reward don't you think at some point the good will stop seeing this as a lesson in humility and just see it as punishment? Would they not just give up? Are we always sick because we did something wrong? Is it ever natural then?

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